
Lead Me

  This is something that hits home. God has called me and all of us to do so many things. At times we don’t listen or we’re too scared. We have all gone through it. But don’t be afraid to listen to Him, especially when you think you aren’t ready. He has a plan that is greater than anything we have ever imagined. All we can do is trust Him. Let me ask you this, would you rather walk in the light alone, or in the dark with Jesus? I would rather walk in the dark with Jesus. I have never done “good” when I do things on my own. He loves us. We are His children. So why would He betray us, or lie to us when He says, “it’s time to move”. “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made in perfect weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9 We don’t need to wait for the perfect timing, our timing isn’t ever going to be perfect. But God’s will be. If we waited for everything to be perfect we’d never get anything done. It might be hard to admit, but it’s so true! Have you ever thought why God is calling yo...

An Open Letter to Everyone Affected by my Anxiety

I know, how selfish of me to say it's not my fault. But honestly, it's not. I don't wake up everyday and choose to have anxiety, or panic attacks. There isn't a certain time of day that it happens. Anxiety is something that is way out of my control, and if I could make it all go away, I would. I'm not talking about the anxiety you get before an exam or before your first kiss. I'm talking about the anxiety that makes you feel like you're drowning in the ocean, every time you try and get back up the waves pull you under again. To everyone affected by my anxiety, I'm sorry for everything my anxiety has caused me to do, and the things it has caused me not to do. I'm sorry for the fun trips/events that I've missed out on, and the people I've upset because of it. Anxiety isn't a light switch. Anxiety is like trying to pull yourself up a never-ending rope. No matter how hard you try, you just get more blisters on your hands and never make it to ...